*Free Dress - Please read Free Dress Guidelines:
Occasionally students may be given a day to wear clothing other than their uniform. Prior to these days, parents will be given guidelines to follow. The following will apply on alternate/free dress days:
- Length of shorts must follow the same guidelines as uniforms.
- All clothing items must be in good condition with no rips, holes or fraying.
- All School rules apply for hair, make-up, and jewelry.
- Modest dress - no tank tops/spaghetti straps, exposed midriffs, or overly tight clothing
- No dresses or skirts
- All clothing shall be within the bounds of decency and good taste as appropriate for Catholic school.
- Socks must be worn.
- Shoes must be closed-toed and closed-heeled. Boots, sandals, slippers, flip-flops, wheeled shoes, or lighted shoes are not permitted.
- Because the Catholic Church does not endorse political candidates or parties, items with political messages are not permitted.